A blog from a woman on a journey of discovery.

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Wednesday, 4 May 2011

200th and thank you

Yesterday I realised that this  post would be my 200th. I know its not a lot in the greater scheme of things...but I was suprised it had come round so quickly. I wondered what I would write about and then I realised...I would write ....."Thank you".

Thank you to all of you.......you have made me think, laugh, laugh till I cried,  cry, chuckle,
 go "ouch" and "ooooooooh" and 'Ahhhhh" and "Ah haaaaaaaaa".

I have been shown a lot of kindness, compassion and understanding. I have been encouraged and supported, cheer up and had lots of "hugs " when I needed them most. I have been made to think. I have been suprised at the time some people have spent making comments. I have read wise words , funny words and some heartbreaking ones.

You have read about some very happy times, hot times, lonely and miserable times. You have heard about when I have felt good, bad and ugly.

I want to thank you all very much for reading my blog, for adding me, for commenting and for just being there.

And so as I sit her raising my glass of cold red wine to you..........."Thanks from far away."



  1. I raise my glass back to you - ok, actually, it's a cup of coffee. But the idea's the same.

    Thank you for sharing your life with us. You've touched me often.



  2. I raise my mint ice tea. I have enjoyed the adventures you have shared and I look forward to another 200.
    Happiness Hugs!!

  3. Thanks aisha......you have been a good friend.

  4. submissivebf....yum mint tea...thanks for your comments over the last 200, and for your support and encouragement

  5. Here's my coffee cup, and a my youngest grand daughter says, "Cheers"!" I look forward to our "visit" every day. Thank you for writing!abby

  6. and thank you to you too abby, and "cheers" right back at ya! Thanks for visiting me in "far away"

  7. I don't visit enough but I do enjoy your posts. Thanks.


  8. nice work on the 200, I haven't been around for all of them. I do always look forward to your posts. Not only do you live in a place I can only imagine, your experiences differ greatly from mine. You make me feel what you are feeling and thinking with your posts. So, Thank you for writing :)

    sadly it is only water that I am raising in this glass, red wine sounds fantastic (even at 8:30 am hehe)

  9. hi Hs i havent been here for the 200 but have loved the posts that i have been here for, so raising a glass here is to the next 200 and i do intend to be here for all those.

    blossom xx

  10. Ronnie...thank you, and i love your blog too

  11. Nadia, thank you for your comments.....glad you enjoyed it so far.HSxx

  12. blossom...thank you and you are very welcome to the next 200
